For equality, against bigotry

Anti-fascism, anti-racism, fighting anti-semitism, lesbian/gay/bisexual rights, immigration and asylum, travellers, women's rights and feminism, ...

A Rift in the Iron Curtain :1. FROM HOLLYWOOD TO ROME

Taking advantage of what is left of my rights, I hereby serve notice of intention to join in the public discussions stirred up by President Truman's decision to send a United States ambassador to the Vatican. And if you expect me to be calm and politely restrained in my utterances, you're in for a disappointment. I was burned up about the encroachments of authoritarian clericalism long before the President's decision was announced. His latest stroke of statesmanship just added a little fuel to the flames which have been scaring my tender flesh. This is not a debate, properly speaking. From the...

A Rift in the Iron Curtain :1. FROM HOLLYWOOD TO ROME

Taking advantage of what is left of my rights, I hereby serve notice of intention to join in the public discussions stirred up by President Truman's decision to send a United States ambassador to the Vatican. And if you expect me to be calm and politely restrained in my utterances, you're in for a disappointment. I was burned up about the encroachments of authoritarian clericalism long before the President's decision was announced. His latest stroke of statesmanship just added a little fuel to the flames which have been scaring my tender flesh. This is not a debate, properly speaking. From the...

A Rift in the Iron Curtain :1. FROM HOLLYWOOD TO ROME

Taking advantage of what is left of my rights, I hereby serve notice of intention to join in the public discussions stirred up by President Truman's decision to send a United States ambassador to the Vatican. And if you expect me to be calm and politely restrained in my utterances, you're in for a disappointment. I was burned up about the encroachments of authoritarian clericalism long before the President's decision was announced. His latest stroke of statesmanship just added a little fuel to the flames which have been scaring my tender flesh. This is not a debate, properly speaking. From the...

A Rift in the Iron Curtain :1. FROM HOLLYWOOD TO ROME

Taking advantage of what is left of my rights, I hereby serve notice of intention to join in the public discussions stirred up by President Truman's decision to send a United States ambassador to the Vatican. And if you expect me to be calm and politely restrained in my utterances, you're in for a disappointment. I was burned up about the encroachments of authoritarian clericalism long before the President's decision was announced. His latest stroke of statesmanship just added a little fuel to the flames which have been scaring my tender flesh. This is not a debate, properly speaking. From the...

Qu’est-ce que le racisme antimusulmans ?

La gauche et l’extrême gauche britanniques font fréquemment référence au concept d’« islamophobie », mais discutent rarement du sens exact de ce terme. Les musulmans qui vivent en Grande-Bretagne subissent-ils une oppression spécifique, en tant que musulmans, et si oui, laquelle ? Cet article soutiendra le point de vue que les musulmans qui vivent en Grande-Bretagne souffrent d’une oppression, d’une haine et d’un fanatisme antimusulmans spécifiques, mais que, pour comprendre et décrire ces phénomènes, il nous semble plus adéquats de les qualifier de racisme antimusulmans. Islamophobie L...

Liberation at Ideas for Freedom 2014

Ideas for Freedom 2014 will be a chance for activists from around the country to discuss, become better acquainted with and learn from the struggles of those who fight for liberation from both capitalist exploitation and from specific oppressions such as the oppression of women and racism. The weekend both starts and ends with sessions on women's liberation. A wide variety of activists will be speaking at our meeting on "A century of radical women's struggles" (7pm, Friday 4 July at the Exmouth Arms, in Euston) . Esther Townsend will be leading a workshop on the question "How can socialism end...

Racism and the Political Fate Of Losey's Unpolitical Man

A middle-aged woman is being examined by a man who could be a doctor, or a vet. She is standing, naked, though it is mainly her skull that receives attention. Her nose is measured with a specially designed instrument, the shape of her jaw, the heaviness of her lower lip, the characteristics of her gums, the type of her body hair, the shape of her hips, and finally the fact that she has flat feet, all are recorded with 'scientific' precision by an assistant who notes down the 'doctor"s comments. The woman's face is pink from the rough explorations of the doctor's fingers, and it has a fixed...


A middle-aged woman is being examined by a man who could be a doctor, or a vet. She is standing, naked, though it is mainly her skull that receives attention. Her nose is measured with a specially designed instrument, one the shape of her jaw, the heaviness of her lower lip, the characteristics of her gums, the type of her body hair, the shape of her hips, and finally the fact that she has flat feet, are all recorded with 'scientific' precision by an assistant who notes down the 'doctor"s comments. The woman's face is pink from the rough explorations of the 'doctor''s fingers, and it has a...

For Open Borders and Free Migration!

My Dear Brewer:— Have just read the majority report of the [Socialist Party] Committee on Immigration. It is utterly un-socialistic, reactionary, and in truth outrageous, and I hope you will oppose with all your power. The plea that certain races are to be excluded because of tactical expediency would be entirely consistent in a bourgeois convention of self-seekers, but should have no place in a proletariat gathering under the auspices of an international movement that is calling on the oppressed and exploited workers of all the world to unite for their emancipation.... Away with the “tactics”...

Nothing to learn from dead white men?

By Sacha Ismail If a socialist quotes or refers to, say, Marx or Trotsky in an online discussion, it is reasonably common for someone to object to citing “dead white men”. Such objections are not only understandable - particularly when they come from people suffering oppression - but have a point. There is a tendency in society, in academia and in social movements and the left to cite only a very limited range of people, with a systematic bias towards white men (usually from a bourgeois or middle-class background), to the exclusion of thinkers and writers from oppressed groups. There is also...

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