Latest from the MELman

Posted in Tubeworker's blog on ,

(Melman is a comic giraffe character in the kids' film, 'Madagascar'. The character is a very nice idea, but blunders and splutters, and is not really up to the tasks that face him. Unlike Manual Electronic Logging (MEL) in LUL signal cabins, which is, erm, not like that at all.)

More and more signallers are refusing to use the equipment because of a variety of safety concerns and because proper consultation was not carried out before the kit was installed on a supposedly 'trial' basis. Even where local consultations were carried out, management do not appear to have paid them any heed (station staff take note).

For example management on the Met line were told months before the equipment was put in of the potential problems with where it was being located at Harrow signal cabin. They ignored feedback from the people who actually have to use it, only to find that problems were found exacgtly as predicted.

Signal operators should remember our right to refuse to use the kit on health & safety grounds. Report your concerns to a Tier 2 (company-wide) healthy & safety rep for Service Control.

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